Yongnuo YN560 IV Version 4 Speedlite Flash for Canon Nikon Olympus Pentax Fuji 560iv
Product Highlights 2.4 GHz Transceiver with 328' Range Guide Number: 190' at ISO 100 and 105mm Zoom Range: 24-105mm (18mm with Panel) Output Range: 1/1 to 1/128 Tilts -7 to 90° & Rotates 270° Optical Slave Functionality Recycle Time: Three Seconds Multi-Mode for Firing Series of Flashes PC Sync and...
Product Highlights
- 2.4 GHz Transceiver with 328' Range
- Guide Number: 190' at ISO 100 and 105mm
- Zoom Range: 24-105mm (18mm with Panel)
- Output Range: 1/1 to 1/128
- Tilts -7 to 90° & Rotates 270°
- Optical Slave Functionality
- Recycle Time: Three Seconds
- Multi-Mode for Firing Series of Flashes
- PC Sync and HV Power Ports
- Runs on Four AA Batteries