Phottix AC Module for Indra 500 TTL Studio Light (01012 , PH01012)
Key Features Allows Indra to Run on 100 - 240 VAC Full Power Recycling: 1.5 Sec Also Powers Select On-Camera Flashes The main purpose of the AC Module for Indra 500 TTL Studio Light from Phottix is to allow the battery-powered flash head to run anywhere in the world on 100 to 240 VAC...
Key Features
- Allows Indra to Run on 100 - 240 VAC
- Full Power Recycling: 1.5 Sec
- Also Powers Select On-Camera Flashes
The main purpose of the AC Module for Indra 500 TTL Studio Light from Phottix is to allow the battery-powered flash head to run anywhere in the world on 100 to 240 VAC mains power. A welcome byproduct of using the Module is the shortening of the Indra's recycling time to 1.5 seconds at full power.
The module will also power select shoe mount flashes. Adapter cables are available separately for Phottix Mitros+ (PH01150), Canon (PH01151), Nikon (PH01152), and Sony (PH01153) hot shoe flashes.
Since the Module plugs directly into the Indra 500's power pack, you can run one to two Indra 500 TTL heads, one to two hot shoe flashes, or one Indra 500 TTL head and one hot shoe flash at the same time.
Faster Recycle Times
Utilizing the Indra 500 AC Module has the added benefit of reducing the flash head's recycle time to 1.5 seconds at full power, giving it the ability to keep up with even the most fast-paced studio session.
Not Just for Indra 500 TTL
Now photographers can feed AC power directly into hot shoe flashes for fast recycling times, making battery power no longer an issue. Adapter cables are available for Phottix Mitros+ (PH01150), Canon (PH01151), Nikon (PH01152), and Sony (PH01153) hot shoe flashes.
Power Multiple Lights
Because the AC Power Module plugs directly into the Indra 500's power pack, users can power one to two Indra 500 TTL heads, one to two hot shoe flashes, or one Indra 500 TTL head and one hot shoe flash at the same time.
100 to 240 VAC Compatibility
The Indra 500 AC Module can handle input voltages from 100 to 240 VAC, so photographers working in multiple countries can use the mains as a power source wherever and whenever they need it.